BEIJING色片网址, Oct. 3 (Xinhua) -- China is scheduled to launch the Shenzhou-19 crewed spaceship and welcome the Shenzhou-18 taikonauts back to Earth in late October色片网址, according to the China Manned Space Agency. According to the agency's October mis
BEIJING色片网址, Oct. 3 (Xinhua) -- China is scheduled to launch the Shenzhou-19 crewed spaceship and welcome the Shenzhou-18 taikonauts back to Earth in late October色片网址, according to the China Manned Space Agency.
According to the agency's October mission plan released this week, the Shenzhou-18 crew, who are on board China's orbiting Tiangong space station, will complete their six-month space mission this month and embark on the journey back.
The Shenzhou-18 crew consists of three male taikonauts -- Ye Guangfu, Li Cong and Li Guangsu. The crew was launched into space on April 25.
Hongkongdoll leaksDuring the week-long National Day holiday, the Shenzhou-18 crew is striving to maintain a regular, orderly work-life balance. However, their time is mostly occupied by a heavy workload, including scientific experiments, data collection, and preparation for the arrival of the new crew and handover work.
According to recent footage released by the China Media Group色片网址, the three Shenzhou-18 taikonauts expressed their excitement for the upcoming "reunion" in the space station. They said they would clean up the "rooms," prepare "reunion meals," and make sure the newcomers "feel at home." ■
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